5736 NE 33rd Ave. Portland, OR, 97211
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Science Friday
Kennedy School - Kennedy School Theater
5:30 pm doors, 6 pm movie start | 8:40 - 9:15 pm panel talk
$5 adults, $3 kids 12 & under
Minor with parent or guardian
5:30 pm doors, 6 pm movie start | 8:40 - 9:15 pm panel talk$5 adults, $3 kids 12 & underMinor with parent or guardian
Science Friday is bringing their radio series Science Goes To The Movies to movie theaters around the country to reveal the science behind some of our favorite films! This time, we’re teaming up with McMenamins’ Kennedy School Theater to present Contact, the 1997 sci-fi drama based on Carl Sagan’s book of the same name.
Following the film, we will host a live conversation with local experts ready to explore the science, technology, and astronomy from the movie.
Myka Jaap Youngápelian has roots in New Mexico and is currently a Research Assistant in The Nadeau Lab at Portland State University. As a PSU alumnus, Youngápelian’s research in The Nadeau Lab centers on microbial motility and pathogenesis of urinary tract infection-causing bacteria. He plans to obtain his Ph.D. in molecular biology in Northern Europe in the near future.
Dr. Anne Santiago is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science. She brings an attitude of “reckless generosity” to her teaching and service at the University of Portland. Dr. Santiago’s research interests also reflect her desire to make a positive difference in the world, focusing on projects that may be useful to practitioners in the field.
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