BYO Story
Come enjoy Portland's best storytelling show at Al's Den every
first Wednesday of the month. B.Y.O.Storytelling show is a curated cast
of Portland's best and brightest comedic minds, who have been invited to Bring
Their Own Story to the stage. This is not your grandmother's mothball
storytelling hour, there are no themes, no gimmicks, and it is not a
competition judged by the dumb audience, it is just very talented people
sharing their BEST story, for you!
Hosted and Produced by Portland's favorite gay uncle, Jay
Flewelling, this show is guaranteed to entertain you and get you laid.
Did you miss the live show? Well don't fret! You can catch all of
the live stories recorded and released weekly on the B.Y.O.Storytelling
Podcast, found on most platforms. Subscribe and listen while at the gym, doing
dishes, or having sex!